Tumor suppressor gene at 11p13
Protein is transcriptional regulator that apparently inhibits transcription of growth promoting genes
Involved in development of tissues from inner layer of intermediate mesoderm
Interpretation: nuclear stain
Uses: (1) ovarian carcinoma (WT1+) vs. breast/pancreatic carcinoma (WT1 negative)
Positive staining (normal): fallopian tube, kidney, mesothelium, ovarian granulosa cells, Sertoli cells, spleen
Positive staining (disease): acute myeloid leukemia, cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma, desmoplastic small round cell tumor, malignant mesothelioma, metanephric adenoma, nephrogenic rests, ovarian carcinomas (serous carcinoma [almost all], transitional, small cell, AJSP 2005;29:1034), peritoneal serous carcinoma involving an endometrial polyp-80% (AJSP 2005;29:1074), rhabdoid tumor, Wilm’s tumor
Negative staining: endometrial glands, ovarian mucinous and clear cell carcinomas (Archives 2005;129:85)
Tumor suppressor gene at 11p13
Protein is transcriptional regulator that apparently inhibits transcription of growth promoting genes
Involved in development of tissues from inner layer of intermediate mesoderm
Interpretation: nuclear stain
Uses: (1) ovarian carcinoma (WT1+) vs. breast/pancreatic carcinoma (WT1 negative)
Positive staining (normal): fallopian tube, kidney, mesothelium, ovarian granulosa cells, Sertoli cells, spleen
Positive staining (disease): acute myeloid leukemia, cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma, desmoplastic small round cell tumor, malignant mesothelioma, metanephric adenoma, nephrogenic rests, ovarian carcinomas (serous carcinoma [almost all], transitional, small cell, AJSP 2005;29:1034), peritoneal serous carcinoma involving an endometrial polyp-80% (AJSP 2005;29:1074), rhabdoid tumor, Wilm’s tumor
Negative staining: endometrial glands, ovarian mucinous and clear cell carcinomas (Archives 2005;129:85)